First and foremost, thank you for your order. It makes us proud to be able to ship you our products quickly and efficiently. That being said most of the items we ship are not breakable in nature. All products are packaged to arrive in the same condition as when they leave our warehouse.
If for some reason a box is damaged and the product is beyond use please take pictures of the package as it arrived at your location. You can call or email our office and we will help to expedient a re-order. Based on your pictures and description we will happily make a claim with UPS and ship you a replacement order. Damage is the only time that ACSG will replace a shipped item.
Once an item is ordered and received there will be no refunds or returns. An item cannot be opened, tried, and then decided that our taste was not to your liking. If you do have questions regarding your order do not hesitate to reach out to our office as we are here to make your experience a pleasant one.